As a man I cry

The song words sung,

“Big boys don’t cry”,

But when I think of the world,

Of all the terror and all the hate,

I doubt there’s enough love left,

To pose a ying to that yang,

Sadness bubbles to the surface,

And I cry.

I cry for the future generations,

For those still fighting,

Both prejudice and for equality,

I cry for those that have no voice,

But I also cry for those that are oblivious,

Blind to not only my tears,

But to the tears of the world.

Copyright: authorchrisbrown 


5 thoughts on “As a man I cry

  1. Orange says:

    “But I also cry for those who are oblivious
    Blind to not only my tears
    But the tears of the world”
    Superb lines.
    I really loved this post. A brilliant one 💫🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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