Therapist 18+ NSFW

“I’m not hear to ask you questions, nor offer you answers. It is my job to listen to whatever it is you wish to talk about.”

Dr Morris sat comfortably in her chair, clipboard in one hand and pen in the other. It was her job to take notes that she would then analyse and form opinions based on her expert knowledge. She clicked the pen top so as to retract the ball at its tip in readiness to write.

“Whenever you’re ready,” she offered calmly.

“You’re wearing an expensive perfume,” her patient began. “Floral yet refined, not too overpowering but enough to almost mask the fact you had a cigarette moments before my arrival. Disgusting habit, and yet given the right woman in the right scenario,” he paused. “can be rather sexual. Are you a sexual woman Dr Morris?”

There was no reply.

“Argh yes, no answers,” he continued. “You’re wearing tights, not stockings so my guess would be no. When you crossed your legs there was a flash of light blue panties, and yet your bra is white. Probably going home alone, or to someone you feel you no longer need to impress but yet not a husband. There’s no ring to grace those manicured nails, suggesting you like to look good outwardly as if other people’s opinion of you count.”

Dr Morris shifted her seated position to one more guarded as her writing stuttered upon hearing him analysing her.

“Now you’re uncomfortable, feel wrong footed. Your breathing has become accelerated suggesting a nervousness that I’ve observed you so closely. What if I told you I’m having thoughts about those panties? About pulling them down along with those tights, to then forcefully bend you over that chair and fuck you?”

Still there was nothing but silence from the Dr. Just the sound of her pen upon paper as she made her notes.

“Does that excite you Dr? Or perhaps I’d rip from you that bra that hold so perfectly your size C breasts. Then use it like a rope around your neck, watching as you struggle to breath. The colour of your face changing as you fight so desperately for the air to once more gift you the life that’s ebbing away. Then perhaps I’ll fuck you’re still warm body as if you were nothing more than a cheap backstreet hooker.”

Dr Morris stood and placed upon a side table her clipboard and pen, before then walking towards the solitary window in the room. For a moment she just watched the world outside, the cars speeding past and pedestrians wandering to whatever destination they were heading. Finally she turned to face the man that lay upon the coach before her.

Slowly she began to unbutton her blouse before him as he shifted into a seated position.

“Mr Morris, those are some rather disturbing thoughts, but they’ve made me horny as hell. Now what did you want to do with my bra?”

Copyright: authorchrisbrown


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